Property Lawyers Adelaide

What is Property Law?

In short, property law is the area of law that governs tenancy issues, and ownership of property and assets. Our property lawyers Adelaide manage a diverse range of property related disputes and concerns. We provide you with clear advice to help you make educated decisions and detail the terms and conditions in full. While people typically associate lawyers with court representation, we also carry out a range of other tasks linked to buying and selling property. O’Dea Lawyers undertake property and land evaluations, conveyancing, and will prepare any type of property contract. We also address other implications such as:

  • Property division
  • Building and construction disputes
  • Defective building works.

There are two primary categories that define the way the issues are recognised within the system. These are moveable, and immoveable. Our experienced property lawyers Adelaide are able to provide support and guidance in both of these areas.

Property lawyers Adelaide Property lawyers Adelaide

Moveable Property and Immoveable Property Explained

As we’ve established, property law is divided into two sectors: immoveable property and moveable property. Here’s a little more information from our property lawyers Adelaide:

Immoveable property is defined as real estate that can’t be moved without being destroyed. This could be anything from land, estates, buildings and other permanent infrastructures.

Moveable property is the term used for all other property and assets; unrelated to real estate. This includes vehicles, machinery, paintings, computers, jewellery, and anything else that can be physically moved from one location to another.

Both of these terms relate only to tangible assets. Intellectual property and other intangible assets fall under a different category of law, otherwise known as IP law. This covers subject matters like design work, trademark ideas and secret processes etc. Our property lawyers Adelaide will happily provide more details on all three of these categories to guide you through the regulations!

How a Good Lawyer Will Approach Your Situation

When choosing a legal team of property lawyers Adelaide to represent you, you need to make sure they tick all the boxes. It’s far too common for professionals to take advantage of people who don’t share their specialist knowledge and expertise. O’Dea Lawyers are here to restore your trust by making the process clear as day. Ultimately, you’re the one in control, and we continually reinforce this message by maintaining strong communication and encouraging feedback. Some of the key qualities that make up a reliable legal team are:

  • Logic
  • Objectivity
  • Determination
  • Clarity
  • Approachability

Going through the process of property law can be both stressful and time consuming, so our goal is to optimise the client’s experience. We speak to you in language you can understand and build a strong foundation for you to achieve your objectives. Call our property lawyers Adelaide on 0423 633 864 today!

Property Lawyers Adelaide
Pick Up the Phone!

No matter how big or small your request is, O’Dea Lawyers will approach the job with integrity and pride. Our director, Damien O’Dea, has built our local boutique firm on the basis of empathy and passion. Experience the difference for yourself and come to the property lawyers Adelaide you can trust! We look forward to hearing from you.

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